Directions & Car parking
  1. Directions to Phoenix RFC
  2. Car Parking
Directions & Car parking
  1. Directions to Phoenix RFC
  2. Car Parking
Car Parking
Directions & Car parking 2 of 2

2. Car Parking

Parking at Phoenix

Main Car park
Our main car park is located upon entrance to the rugby club on the concrete car park.

Onsite Overflow parking
We have overflow parking located on the otherside of the club house marked out by orange cones on games days, When using this car park please take caution of people crossing infront to access clubhouse/pitches

Additional Overflow parking
If both car parks are full then please do not park any vehicles outside the club on Institute road or in any of the houses opposite, additional parking can be located on Boundary road & Station road as per above picture.

For any more details please contact